Tirupathi: The leader of opposition bursted in anger regarding the
special status promises for Andhra Pradesh resulted as a fraud. He said,
that when the ruling party and the opposition party together divided
the State into two, it was promised that Andhra Pradesh will be given
special status for 10 years. However, when the people had hopes on the
parliament, they realized that they have been deceived, said Jagan. He
questioned, if this is the case, what will be the reliability on the
Parliament. He consoled the family of the family of Munukoti, who
sacrificed his life and later spoke to Media. He demanded that the
family should be given at least 10 lakhs ex gratia. He said that ** we
have seen the cause for the loss of this life today. The special status
was supposed to come to the State, chances for it to come and the
probable situations are also slashed. Such situations are leading to
unfair and causing injustice to the State. ** Ys jagan criticised the
role of Chandrababu on this episode. He stated that ** Chandrababu
doesn't care even if there is no possibilities for industries, no
chances for new jobs and the complete State is under loss. There is no
movement by Chandrababu. Till today, Chandrababu Naidu haven't spoken a
single word. All the Ministers, MLAs, MPs and Central Ministers speak on
their own way. Because of their fault, an innocent life is lost**.